There's no question that these are dark times. I accept that. Heaps of doom and gloom are being served to us, and it's nearly impossible to dodge. Important news and events impact our lives and the lives of fellow humans. But dwelling in the darkness...
Mother's Day - Honoring Moms through loss - celebrating YOU! Man, it has been a crazy wild last two years, and I was thinking about this episode and how to honor moms and all that moms have been through because I think of all that people have...
Kristy Carruthers was successful in her business after her second child was born it wasn't long before she found herself homeless with an infant and 5-year-old. She was determined to turn her life around for herself and her children and she did! She...
Hey, all it's new year's Eve. And I just wanted to send a message to say that I hope you have an amazing 2022!! This year was intense. The last quarter was off the charts energetically. It was both good and bad. And I know many people are saying...