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Dec. 8, 2017

How Moms Can Monetize Their Valuable Skills Quickly

How Moms Can Monetize Their Valuable Skills Quickly

Hear how Pepperlane is creating a movement to support moms in business

Sharon Kan is the co-founder of Pepperlane, a community designed for moms to monetize their skills at any level.  Her goal is to celebrate motherhood while stimulating the economy and to encourage mothers to share their amazing skills and confidently ask to be compensated. How beautiful is that!
In this interview, Sharon shares her findings and what came up in her research while interviewing mothers. We hear the key things moms state as a challenge (hint: it’s around mindset and cultural norms). Sharon describes the main challenges she wants to address as she ignites the passion in moms with skills to monetize their gifts at any level. 
Sharon states that there are 80 Million mothers in America and 60 Million work while 20 Million are either unemployed or stay-at-home moms. Pepperlane wants to tap into this 20 Million+ group of women and help them create something, even if small or intermittent, that can help their family with financial flexibility, and show their kids what moms are capable of doing.

Tune in and get inspired by Sharon's vision for our future!
Links mentioned in this episode...
TikaTok - the student publishing product that Sharon created with her children and later sold to Barnes and Noble (Pearson)
The Boston WIN Lab
This is what a profile business selling page looks like (its mine)
My services page on Pepperlane for Podcast Consultations
Click the big “sign up” button on the top right to see how to get involved in Pepperlane